Whether, you are setting up a company, purchasing a property, wanting advice on residency or any other civil or criminal matter that pertains to the law then a lawyer is needed.
Red Planet in conducting its business in Cape Verde uses the services of only one lawyer and that is Drs Jacqueline Duarte Silva.
Her judgement and advice on legal matters is trusted, in terms of knowledge and procedural matters. This trust also extends to granting of a power of attorney to act on the companies behalf.
To contact Drs Jacqueline Duarte Silva about any legal service requirements then please use the following:
Jacqueline Duarte Silva
Advocacia/Consultoria Juridica
Edificio Simovel II
1 Andar Esq Tras
C.P - 344, Zona Centro
Espargos, Ilha do Sal
Telephone - 00238 241 28 47
Fax - 00238 - 241 16 62 61
Mobile - 00238 991 84 11
Email -
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