
A significant and growing number of businesses in Cape Verde work in the format of a company structure. This preference is passively encouraged as it is a format that is easier for other businesses that are also companies to deal with in terms of transfer of payments. This is because of the technical logistics of creating expenses and invoices for accounting purposes to establish tax liabilities is easier in this format and there are some tax incentives also that encourage this type of business entity.   

There are protocols and procedures that need to be followed that require specialist knowledge. The use of an accountant is therefore essential for this.  The requirement to know what are valid expenses and allowances is also an area that requires specialist knowledge and to submit timely and accurate annual reports to the local tax authorities also needs specialist knowledge.   

It is also very useful and essential that the accountant forms good relations with the ancillary companies that work with Red Planet. This is because the submission of documentation that covers any income or expenses needs to be done in a format that follows local regulations. The accountant oversees that this is done. 

Leonildo Pimental, a Cape Verdean citizen who lives in the town of Santa Maria on the Island of Sal, manages Red Planet's accounts.  The accounting needs of Red Planet in all its nuances are well served by Leonildo and are contributing to the successful day-to-day operation of the company.

To contact Leonildo Pimentalto to discuss any accounting services requirement then use the following:

Telephone - +238 996 38 59

Email -